We Are Here To
Make Your Medicare Easier

Helping the Southeast to Get the Right Coverage at the Right Time

The world of Medicare can seem complicated and unforgiving between the strict time frames, numerous options, and overwhelming amounts of information you are expected to understand. As a local Knoxville company, we eliminate these worries by meeting with you to discuss your ideal plan for the future. We then determine the best strategy for your healthcare coverage. As Independent Agents we have the freedom to work with any company in the Medicare market, meaning our only responsibility is to you.

Benjamin Landis, LIA

I am an independent LIA at Providence Advisors Group, LLC, where I serve as a Retirement Healthcare Specialist and help people with Making Medicare Easier. With certifications from many of the leading companies, I am equipped with the data and latest news necessary to educate and assist my community in getting the coverage they need.

Learn More about Medicare

For general medicare info and Q/A sessions, please RSVP at the link below for one of our In-Person Medicare Seminars near you.

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